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CPC Calculator

CPC Calculator

How To Calculate CPC

CPC or cost per click is the cost you are paying per click. This is calculated as your total cost divided by the total number of clicks. Total Cost / Total Number of Clicks = CPC.

How is CPC Different to CPM?

CPM stands for Cost Per Mille. This is the cost of a thousand impressions or views of an ad. It is calculated first by dividing the number of views by a 1,000. Then dividing the cost by this number. Number of Views / 1,000 = Number of thousand view. Cost / Number of thousand views = CPM. CPC or cost per click is the cost for each click on your ad. Total cost / Number of Clicks = CPC.

What Is a Good CPC?

CPC’s will vary widely depending on industry, media and type of ad. There is no one good CPC rate.

Facebook Benchmark CPC

Below is a chart produced by WordStream that shows average CPC by industry for Facebook ads. The CPC will vary on the type of ad used on Facebook. The average CPC for Facebook Ads across all industries is $1.72.

Source: WordStream

Google Ads Benchmark CPC

Below is a chart produced by WordStream that shows average CPC by industry for Google Adwords for both Google Search and Google Display. Average CPC across all industries for Google Search is $2.69. The average across all industries for Google Display is $0.63.

Source: WordStream

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John Hill has many years experience growing and scaling businesses. As well as a growth marketer he is an active investor a number of businesses. John has written extensively on about growing and scaling businesses. John is Chief Growth Officer at Growth Marketing Conference.