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CTR Calculator

CTR Calculator

Click Through Rate (CTR) indicates the percentage of users who clicked on a link relative to the number of users who viewed the advertisement or page. It’s calculated as: (Clicks ÷ Views) × 100.

CTR Benchmarks

Click Through Rates or CTR will vary a lot depending on media type and industry.

Facebook CTR Benchmarks

The image and data below is produced by WordStream and shows industry CTR benchmarks for Facebook. The average CTR for Facebook across all industries is 0.90%.

Source: WordStream

However even within industries Facebook ad CTR can vary widely depending on facebook ad type as can be seen in the chart below produced by


Social Media CTR Rates

The chart below, produced by shows how CTR rates can vary across different social media channels.


Google Adwords Industry CTR Benchmarks

The image and data below is produced by WordStream and shows industry benchmark CTR for Google Search and Google Display ads. The average CTR for Google Search is 3.17% and display network 0.46% across all industries.

Source: WordStream

Email CTR Benchmarks

Email CTR rates are defined by the number of people who opened the email to the number of people who clicked on a link. Below is a chart designed by Hubspot using data from Mailerlite showing email CTR benchmarks by industry.

Source: Mailerlite and Hubspot

Email Open Rates

Email open rates are defined by the number of people who opened an email compared to the number of people who received an email. The chart below shows email open rates by industry. The data is from Mailerlite and the chart designed by Hubspot.

Source: Mailerlite and Hubspot

Industry CTR Benchmarks Conclusion

CTR rates vary hugely between industries, media types and ad types. When making comparisons it is important to be looking at benchmarks that are most relevant to you. The first step to improving your CTR is to calculate your current CTR. Then you should test different tactics and identify and record what is working for you.

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John Hill has many years experience growing and scaling businesses. As well as a growth marketer he is an active investor a number of businesses. John has written extensively on about growing and scaling businesses. John is Chief Growth Officer at Growth Marketing Conference.